Selling a 'problem' property overseas? Help is at hand!

The term ‘problem property’ can be used to describe a home or piece of land that has some kind of negative issue associated with it which could make it difficult to sell. In the UK we are usually aware of any such issues with our home, but a property that lies on foreign soil can occasionally have a problem that only comes to light when you are trying to sell it.
This can lead to extreme upset and stress, especially if you are looking to sell quickly for health or finance reasons, and may mean it is tricky for you to get your property listed with an agent or sales website.
However, if you and your agent were to engage the help of an asset underwriting expert, such as DUAL, you may find it easier to get your property on the market, and sold!
So, how does it work?
If you have a legal issue with a property, or think you may have a problem in listing a property for sale, then your chosen agent or lawyer could refer the matter to DUAL, who will assess the problem and provide insurance terms (where possible) so a potential buyer can be protected in ownership. DUAL only sell their products through professional intermediaries; agents, lawyers, brokers and a list of these can be found on our sister site, AIPP, which you can access via the ‘Find an AIPP Member’ button or menu link at the top of this page.
Below, you will find 3 real-life case studies, where DUAL were able to facilitate a complex property transaction by providing an insurance solution.
All have solutions, all are in Spain, but the underlying issues could be replicated in most countries around the world.
Case Study 1: Land unapproved for building
- Property partly constructed 13 years ago on land with special protection from building
- Prospective buyers concerned – 9 metres of garage and 38 metres of terracing at risk
- No certificate of approval obtained and only current owners can apply – long process and danger of “opening a can of worms” by alerting City Council
- No time limit on when City Council could take action
- “Doomsday scenario” for buyer – demolition of affected area
- Sale at €100k likely to collapse
Solution arranged through DUAL Asset Underwriting:
- Policy issued for an insured value of €100k at a cost of €1000 plus €60 tax – single/one off premium
- 20 year term protecting the buyer should the local authority take enforcement action
- Cover included:
- Settlement costs if court order obtained
- Difference in the value of the property before and after any claim
- Demolition and/or reinstatement costs
- Legal fees
- Sale completed successfully

Case Study 2: Reclassifying rooms in a house
- Property built where basement, classified as a storeroom, now being used as a living area with
- 2 bedrooms
- Owners hold a First Occupational Certificate confirming building complies with local planning requirements
- Buyer only wants property if current living accommodation remains, but not prepared to proceed unless position is regularised
- Owner reluctant to approach local authorities to obtain a reclassification certificate – “stirring the hornets’ nest” and possibility of enforcement action
Solution arranged through DUAL Asset Underwriting:
- Policy issued for 20 year term covering “any enforcement action because the basement was being used as a living area with 2 bedrooms – although classified as a store room”
- Owner, lender and successors protected for:
- Difference in the value of the property before and after a claim
- Demolition and/or reinstatement costs
- Legal fees/settlement costs
- Single/one off premium cost of €1300 plus € 78 tax
- Sale at €266k completed successfully
Case Study 3: Missing First-Occupancy Certificates
- 20,000+ existing properties in Spain have no certificate
- Ideally obtain certificate from local municipality
- Fees involved
- Chance that municipality refuse to issue certificate
- Doomsday scenario – building has to be knocked down
- Delays to sales or sales collapse
- Dangers of “stirring the hornets’ nest”
Solution arranged through DUAL Asset Underwriting:
- Policy to protect owners for 10 years (mortgage lender automatically covered)
Single premium cost:
- Value up to €200K – €350 plus insurance tax
- Value €200k – €500K – €700 plus insurance tax
- Value €500K to €1m – € 1000 plus insurance tax
- Value in excess of €1m by referral to Dual Asset Underwriting
- Existing residential properties – built for 5 years without challenges
- No contact with municipality or town hall relating to licence
- No structural defect identified in survey
- Evidence of utility bills over 24 month period and own individual connection to public infrastructure
- Property not located in an area protected from development/building
About Dual Asset Underwriting
DUAL Asset Underwriting is part of the DUAL Group, the international Underwriting Agents of Hyperion Insurance Group. The DUAL Group is the world’s largest underwriting agency.
DUAL Asset Underwriting was formed in 2014 to provide ownership, warranty & indemnity products to protect buyers, sellers, owners & lenders of real estate and mortgages throughout the world.
DUAL operate in both the residential and commercial property sectors offering a range of covers backed by their A-rated insurer partners. In the 12 month period of March 2018/19 DUAL Asset Underwriting issued policies in more than 35 countries through staff in London, Norwich, Manchester, Dublin & Poland.
DUAL only sell their products through professional intermediaries; agents, lawyers, brokers, etc and are therefore keen to arrange meetings with AIPP member firms to discuss how they can apply their unique range of title insurance solutions to meet their client’s needs.
DUAL Asset Underwriting provide:
- Extensive & unlimited underwriting capacity
- Widest range of covers of any title insurer
- Competitive premium pricing
- Direct access to legally qualified Underwriters & Specialists
- Choice of policies and bespoke policy wording to meet the requirements of each transaction
- Consultations with market leading Underwriters at no cost
- In claims situations – all legal expenses covered with no impact on sum assured
- Cover provided by recognised A-rated insurers
- Excellent claims track record
For more information visit and contact your professional representative; agent or lawyer. A list of these can be found on our sister website by searching via the button or link ‘Find an AIPP Member’ at the top of this page.