AIPP seeks to engage UK Govt to protect British owners of a foreign property
AIPP CEO, Peter Robinson, wrote to the new Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union, the Rt Hon David Davis MP on the 14th July 2016.
In an extensive letter and supporting documentation, AIPP seeks engagement with HM Government (HMG) to protect the rights of British owners and future buyers of a foreign property, with a focus on the EU.
AIPP has also prepared and sent a 9-page document identifying the 20 key points at issue to assist HMG and to set out how AIPP members could input to the BREXIT process, helping to steer positive outcomes for British property owners in the EU and the trade that supports them.
If you would like to get involved in support of this initiative (either as a British owner of a EU property or member of the trade – AIPP member or not), then please contact AIPP CEO directly:
To read the full AIPP document sent to the Rt Hon David Davis MP:
BREXIT: Property & associated issues for British citizens owning property in the EU outlining 20 key points at issue